Tuesday, December 9, 2008

My Idea Of Portion Control

I am a person that just loves to eat to be honest with you. I am not going to sit here and lie to you guys and say I am fat but eat like a bird. I love to eat, but eating is what got me to this point. Now it is time to reverse the damage so I guess as a responsible man I have to eat better. Right now until I master the plan I am eating healthy frozen meals like Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine. I am also eating fruit to substitute my abuse of candy, pies, cakes, ice cream, cheese cake etc. I will allow myself a treat once a week to balance out a week of hard work. I know what you guys might be thinking right now. Hmmm he is fat but talks about eating a reward treat? Let me explain to you what I am doing right now to win this war. It is simple, I am living in the real World. This is a life change for me that will be long term. If you think about it most people that accomplish any goals make reasonable sacrifices to reach

them. I am changing now into a new person and a new way of thinking. I am not setting myself up to fail by punishing myself. I have to set up a real lifestyle that I can live and not fail at. So I am going to make it easy on myself and just exercise good portion control and use common sense in my daily diet.Then after I master the plan I will modify when necessary.

1 comment:


Hey, that sounds like an awesome plan! Most people treat themselves with food every day (if not every meal) so of course having a yummy treat once a week makes being on track the rest of the week easier--knowing you will get something very tasty that you enjoy one day real soon--and won't blow your weight loss for the week. Glad to hear the fruits are satisfying a sweet tooth!