Saturday, December 13, 2008

Put That Fork Down!

I was at the gym yesterday getting my workout in. I did my usual 2 hour mix of on and off high to low intensity cardio sponsored by my MP3 gasoline. I was on a high feeling like I am on top of my game. That is when it hit me and I mean hit me hard like a woman saying no to the question, “are you single?” LOLWhat I am talking about is the after workout hunger pains! So of course I had a responsibility to provide an answer to my belly. I showered up and jumped in my car and went to my favorite salad bar to get it in. While I was sitting there at the table I was fully stocked with everything my mind has told me I needed. I had my food groups and water and even some fruit. But there was one problem that was haunting me. Why on earth did I load my plate with so much food? Did I need that much gas or was I buying it because the price was so low I just had to top off the tank? That is what happens I guess in your subconscious mind. You might over do it because you think the resources will make you full for just that much longer. But the problem is, and this is only my opinion and everybody has one, I was being a food junkie and was about to satisfy my over eating withdrawal.If you look up the term itself, you would find that the definition of withdrawal according to Wikipedia is as follows - Withdrawal, also known as withdrawal/abstinence syndrome, refers to the characteristic signs and symptoms that appear when a drug that causes physical dependence is regularly used for a long time and then suddenly discontinued or decreased in dosage. The term can also, less formally, refer to symptoms that appear after discontinuing a drug or other substance (unable to cause true physical dependence) that one has become psychologically dependent upon.
OK, now let’s examine what this truly means to me. That would be a prime example of overloading my plate with unnecessary amounts of food fuel. The term “physical dependence” is scary as hell to me and I don’t want to be a slave to anything! Do you? I did not think so… And then to add the term “psychologically dependent” would imply that I don’t even have control over my own thinking making me incapable of logical thoughts like putting the damn fork down! So I only covered half my plate and left the rest for the clean up crew. And before I go I will leave you with this. IS YOUR PLATE HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL? I am using this question rhetorically, with my own positive optimism! Are you are getting my point?

Here are some books I read to keep me positive and my mind clean from negative toxic food thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVELOVELOVELOVE the new look!!!proi