Monday, December 15, 2008

What Channel Are You Watching?

I was just watching Joel Osteen yesterday as a regular thing I do most Sunday’s when I am home. He inspired me to write this post today about what we watch and how we are inspired by it. He was talking about keeping our minds clear of anything negative. He continues to talk about how we have to practice positive thinking. He made a great point supported by an analogy of how life is like watching TV. He talked about how when ever you have negative thoughts just change the channel.

He continues to talk about how simple life is and how we make big deals out of small situations. I think that is a very important topic for us to focus on in 2009! We all have things that happen in life but how we handle them will be the outcome of that situation. I for one will go into 2009 with the goal of POSITIVE THINKING and POSITIVE MIND TRAINING. I will train my mind to continue to think outside the box when bad things happen. I for one will produce positive energy for a positive and productive mindset.

Remember that all is possible and to think positive thoughts and you will not only feel better, you will have a greater center of internal balance. And if you guys have anything or anyone around you that is negative in your journey, you and only you have the power to just change the channel. I keep my mental remote pointed at the POSITIVE CHANNEL! So I leave you today with this question.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Put That Fork Down!

I was at the gym yesterday getting my workout in. I did my usual 2 hour mix of on and off high to low intensity cardio sponsored by my MP3 gasoline. I was on a high feeling like I am on top of my game. That is when it hit me and I mean hit me hard like a woman saying no to the question, “are you single?” LOLWhat I am talking about is the after workout hunger pains! So of course I had a responsibility to provide an answer to my belly. I showered up and jumped in my car and went to my favorite salad bar to get it in. While I was sitting there at the table I was fully stocked with everything my mind has told me I needed. I had my food groups and water and even some fruit. But there was one problem that was haunting me. Why on earth did I load my plate with so much food? Did I need that much gas or was I buying it because the price was so low I just had to top off the tank? That is what happens I guess in your subconscious mind. You might over do it because you think the resources will make you full for just that much longer. But the problem is, and this is only my opinion and everybody has one, I was being a food junkie and was about to satisfy my over eating withdrawal.If you look up the term itself, you would find that the definition of withdrawal according to Wikipedia is as follows - Withdrawal, also known as withdrawal/abstinence syndrome, refers to the characteristic signs and symptoms that appear when a drug that causes physical dependence is regularly used for a long time and then suddenly discontinued or decreased in dosage. The term can also, less formally, refer to symptoms that appear after discontinuing a drug or other substance (unable to cause true physical dependence) that one has become psychologically dependent upon.
OK, now let’s examine what this truly means to me. That would be a prime example of overloading my plate with unnecessary amounts of food fuel. The term “physical dependence” is scary as hell to me and I don’t want to be a slave to anything! Do you? I did not think so… And then to add the term “psychologically dependent” would imply that I don’t even have control over my own thinking making me incapable of logical thoughts like putting the damn fork down! So I only covered half my plate and left the rest for the clean up crew. And before I go I will leave you with this. IS YOUR PLATE HALF EMPTY OR HALF FULL? I am using this question rhetorically, with my own positive optimism! Are you are getting my point?

Here are some books I read to keep me positive and my mind clean from negative toxic food thoughts.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mr. Meltdown Is Back, Can You See Me Now?

What Was The Problem?
Check SpellingIt has been a long journey guys. I have had problems with my blog using Word Press. I have thought about it and decided that I will just change from Word Press to Blogger. I now have no problems now and everything is working great! Yea!!!!

Some of the issues I have been having with WP was the strange and mysterious black screen of death! I only had this problem for some reason on IE browsers. I know it was mostlikely a error from script, but who has time to fix that? I can't tell you how many emails I have received from people yelling at me to fix the problem. I also had issues with Posting, almost all the time with crazy coding errors. Let's not discuss the very unstable uploads and slow loading software problems, almost on a daily basis. The list truly continues but that is not important. The big news is I am back and have a new look and new attitude ! I am ready to get going and have already started the journey back into the swing of things.

What I Have Been Doing?
I have been working out hard as heck! I have been a cardiovascular fitness monster lately on a mission to get fit and healthy. Last week I have started walking 3 hours straight up hill and down hill. That is not all I have been doing with my work outs. Call me crazy but I have included stairs in my walking. I have found a real cool park with a cool trail near my home and have been using it for extra fitness challenges. They also have a track and I will start using that next week also. I am at this time still too heavy to jog, so I will be speed walk until I lose enough weight so that I can run without risk of injury. I have to be honest I am very proud of myself for the first time and feel kind of good about things. I know I have messed up over the holiday but life waits for no man. Stuff happens and we move on right?

Why Did I Get So Personal Last Blog?

I think there are so many excellent blogs out there. They post about so many great helpful things and they are very talented writers. In fact some blogs are even genius at what they do and I read so many on a daily basis I lose count. I only have one problem though. This is a blog right? We are blogging about weight loss and life right? So I am putting it out there and being real. I am doing something different with my blog and life. I am keeping it real and if that means that I lose readers along the way then so be it. I want you guys to know what I am going through without the fluff and lies. If I don't lose weight one week then I will be honest about it. If I have something on my mind then I will let you know. I am giving you guys 100% Mr. Meltdown in the raw and uncut. If I make mistakes or had a blowout and cheated on my diet, then I will keep it real. This is life here and life is not perfect. But the one thing I am happy about is that I am back and full of energy and ready to lose some more weight. So I would like to thank all my friends for hanging in there with me and welcome you all back to my blog. It is time for me to lose weight and that is what I am here to do! So be on the look out for a fat guy getting fit and losing an extra person I have been carrying around. This coming year 2009 will be a good year and I look forward to spending it with all of you and a smaller Mr. Meltdown.

Lemon Mint Meltdown

Here is a good recipe to aide in your weight loss that I am using now. You will need:

2 tablespoons of FRESH squeezed lemon or lime juice (approx. ½ lemon)

1 tablespoons of splendor. (You can adjust to your taste).

1/10 teaspoon (a small pinch!) cayenne pepper. (To taste).

2 fresh mint leaves mixed vigorously.

Mix ingredients into a 20 once glass of room temperature spring water. Drink 1 glass before every meal at room temperature.

Health Benefits Of Mint Leaves

I love the taste of mint as many more of us also enjoy it’s flavor. I just wanted to point out some of it’s natural health benefits.


  • Balances vata and kapha
  • It is a good appetizer
  • Causes contraction on skin application and reduces swelling
  • It is cooling - refrigerant
  • Strengthens the stomach
  • It is a diuretic
  • It is a stimulant
  • Relieves flatulence - carminative
  • Relieves spasms
  • It is an aphrodisiac
  • Restores the normal tone of tissues - tonic
  • Promotes the oral ejection of mucus by spitting (Expectorant)

Found to be effective in the treatment of

- Digestive disorders
- Liver disorders
- Gall bladder disorders
- Anorexia
- Vomiting
- Poor digestion (manda Agni)
- Bleeding diseases
- Diarrhea

My Idea Of Portion Control

I am a person that just loves to eat to be honest with you. I am not going to sit here and lie to you guys and say I am fat but eat like a bird. I love to eat, but eating is what got me to this point. Now it is time to reverse the damage so I guess as a responsible man I have to eat better. Right now until I master the plan I am eating healthy frozen meals like Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine. I am also eating fruit to substitute my abuse of candy, pies, cakes, ice cream, cheese cake etc. I will allow myself a treat once a week to balance out a week of hard work. I know what you guys might be thinking right now. Hmmm he is fat but talks about eating a reward treat? Let me explain to you what I am doing right now to win this war. It is simple, I am living in the real World. This is a life change for me that will be long term. If you think about it most people that accomplish any goals make reasonable sacrifices to reach

them. I am changing now into a new person and a new way of thinking. I am not setting myself up to fail by punishing myself. I have to set up a real lifestyle that I can live and not fail at. So I am going to make it easy on myself and just exercise good portion control and use common sense in my daily diet.Then after I master the plan I will modify when necessary.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Eating For Life To Lose Weight

What’s up everyone? I know you guys have been asking me when am I going to do another video. Well I received an email from another reader John asking me what I eat to lose weight. He wanted to know what I have been doing and what I do for snacks. I decided since I have so many of you guys asking the same question I will just show you. So I hope you can stand looking at my ugly mug for 5 minutes. LOL

Top 10 Things To Do Instead Of Munching!

10. Go for a walk in the mall.
Wonderful way to get climate controlled exercise you don’t have to worry about it being to hot or too cold.

9. Read A Book… Or Magazine!
Reading is a very good way to utilize extra time and keep your mind free from thoughts of food.

8. Chat On The Phone.
Instead of picking up the chips and beer, pick up the phone and call someone you have not talked to in a while.

7. Go To The Gym!
I use the gym as an activity not a chore. Going to the gym is a wonderful motivator and keeps me focused on my goals. It is a tension breaker and stress reliever and keeps me around people with the same goals I have.

6. Take The Family To The Park
Going to the park is a very sneaky way to get in exercise and also get the family active without knowing they are doing something healthy. Most outdoor activities will require some sort of aerobic activity and help burn calories.

5. Start A Project
Starting projects is always a great way to keep your mind preoccupied with productive thoughts instead of snacking. I know when my mind is on completing tasks I never really think of food until it is way past the time I should have had meals. It is almost like an appetite suppressant for me.

4. Catch Up On House Work.
When I am at home I always try to get some extra house work done. Not only will this burn a few extra calories the pay off is always big. A clean house is always a nice to live in.

3. Go To The Book Store.
I don’t know about you, but I claim Barnes & Noble my second home. I love being in the atmosphere of intellectuals spending money wisely.

2. Ride Your Bike.
Brush the dust off your mobile 2 wheeler and get out the house. Just thinking about the cool breeze and fresh air blowing past me while on my bike makes smile. Not only is that a fantastic exercise but a great way to spend the day and see some sites. Highly recommend this to you guys to try.

1. Reading The Mr. Meltdown Blog!
This to is an aerobic activity (aerobic: the intake and exhalation of oxygen.)

Mr. Meltdown Is Now On Blogger!

I wanted to let everyone know that because of the many issues I was having on Word Press I decided to take my blog to Blogger. It was becoming a huge problem that my blogs could only be read on FireFox and my Internet Explorer readers could not view my post. So I decided to start from scratch. I don't think you guys will have any viewing problems now and look forward to continue to post my weight loss progress here. Thanks to all my friends and hope to make some new ones along the way. I will be transferring some of my old post to my new page so please allow me time for any new post for a few days. Thanks again everyone!

Mr. Meltdown